This is the question and I'm not even sure how to attempt to answer it. In part because it is a very personal decision and in part because I'm not even sure that I can answer it. What I can say is, a seed was planted many years ago (I believe in high school) after reading a story about one man's attempt to summit Africa's tallest peak. As time went on, however, this fascination with Kilimanjaro drifted further and further into the recesses of my mind. It was rarely something I considered as a possibility or vocalized as an interest; it seemed so far away, so exotic, so challenging. Certainly there were other fascinating places in the world to see that didn't require such an investment in time, money and preparation. Between high school and present day, I spent a fair amount of time in Europe - living, working, traveling and in the last year was fortunate to visit South America for the first time. But the allure of Africa and the challenge of climbing Kilimanjaro still beckoned.
It would be difficult to answer this question without acknowledging the role that my divorce earlier this year played in my decision to climb Kili (besides, who doesn't love a good Eat-Pray-Love-esque divorce cliche?). Although it was not a contentious divorce, it was naturally very emotional. Despite best efforts and several months of couples therapy, the marriage could not be saved. Add to that the fact that I had, in the last year of the marriage, turned down an incredible opportunity to live overseas again, and I was ready to do something for myself. Something meaningful and life-changing. Something significant.
And Kilimanjaro is certainly significant. It is a bold goal. It is something that I can strive for. It is something that will allow me to travel somewhere new, experience a new culture and broaden my mind. It is something that will help motivate me to stay fit and healthy (both mentally and physically). It is something big to look forward to.
I am realistic and acknowledge that there will always be elements outside of my control which may prevent me from achieving this challenging goal. And I would never take a serious risk, while Juliet is back home waiting for her mommy to return. But, with the support of family and friends, and with my own determination, I'm going to at least try my best to stand on the roof of Africa.
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